
Good, after a rich breakfast you are ready to head out. No cars! You leave directly from here on your MTB.

The loop is characterized by the long climb up to 2942 meters of Mount Bellino; the climb does not present particular technical difficulties, but it turns out to be quite long and with a respectable elevation gain.
Leave the Marmotte Hotel and proceed in the direction of Acceglio along a dirt track that traces back to the right of the Maria stream.
From Acceglio go uphill and pass the villages of Villaro, Lausetto and Colombata where, just beyond, the paved road becomes a dirt road near a bridge on the Rio Mollasco.
Keep cycling uphill to the little church of Madonna delle Grazie (1994 m) and, after a long way, you reach the Carmagnola refuge (2830 m).
Near the last curve, the Colletta (2830 m), on the left side you will notice a small path that climbs halfway up until a fork; turn right to reach the summit of M. Bellino (2942 m) – you’ll need to carry the MTB for about 100 meters in elevation.

You have arrived at the panoramic destination! A bit of effort but it was worth it, right?
Time for photos! Snap away and share with our hashtag:

#albergolemarmotte  #vallemairabikeexperience  #mairavigliosa

For the descent, follow the single trails, initially gravelly, to the Bellino pass and from here take the slope to Vallone del Maurin.
Resume pedaling once you reach the large and fast dirt road near the Grange Collet until b. ta Chiappera (1614 m) where you follow the P.O. yellow markings to reach La Crocetta and then go downhill to borgata Saretto.
The dirt road on the right bank of the Maira river takes you to Borgata Ponte Maira, Acceglio and then to Frere, avoiding the pavement.

You have returned to the Marmotte Hotel. Today’s excursion is over. Good Job!
Now you can enjoy a well deserved rest in the garden, sipping a nice cold beer!
