Loop route.
Usually the trail is indicated in this order: Grange Pausa, Passo della Cavalla, Lago d’Apsoi, Lago Visaisa.
Sometimes we suggest to approach it in reverse (Lago Visaisa, Lago d’Apsoi, Passo della Cavalla).
In this way, the path will begin with a fairly high altitude difference, however, in a short time, you will reach the breathtaking spectacle of Lago Visaisa and later Lago Apsoi. From here you will be able to decide whether to continue completing the ring or simply retracing the path taken.

Starting from Sorgenti del Maira (1654 m), the path begins crossing the larch woods.
The first section continues maintaining the intensity of the difference in altitude until you reach a little depression at an altitude of about 2000 meters: this is the panoramic view of Lake Visaisa.
Here you will also find the remains of an ancient hotel; some old postcards will show us how it was and they also show us that there used to be the possibility to make a boat trip on the lake.
Those who are already tired can descend along the path that approaches the lake; otherwise, remaining at high altitude, continue towards Lago d’Apsoi with another section of intense difference in altitude.
Once you’ve reached another depression at an altitude of about 2300 meters, you will see a little lodge, the Bivacco Bonelli. From there, you can enjoy the wonderful view of the lake, surrounded by Monte oronaye and Autovallonasso’s faces.
Keeping going on the trail, proceed towards a plateau (depending on the winter snowfalls it is possible to see another small lake called Lago delle Marie, with its fresh spring), reaching the Passo della Cavalla (2,539 meters).
After passing the remains of the barrack, descend along the military mule track.
By cutting through the fields, talke again the mule track to Grange Pausa.
From here the mule track continues with its wide bends.
The route ends by crossing a rich pine forest until it returns to the Sorgenti del Maira.